Monthly Archives: November 2022

How to Use Rune Cards

How to Use Rune Cards Transcript: Today I'm going to show you how to use the deck of Rune Cards in casting. So here's my beautiful box. I wanted to create a box it was like a Keepsake, so you your cards could live. In the very top here's the book which we'll go through and here is the inside of the box. I always say there's no point in having these inner voices if you don't use them. Then I close this so here were the runes I just want to zoom in to show you how beautiful the [...]

How to Make Your Own Set of Runes

How to Make Your Own Set of Runes Learn how to make your own Runes Transcript: Today we're going to learn how to make your own set of runes. There's many ways you can find your own stones which I'm going to show you or you can also find some at a stone shop. Today we are going to make our set of runes out of  these little mother of pearl and they're beautiful. So what I do is here is from my Rune book but these are little excerpts every time you buy a piece of jewelry it comes [...]

By |2022-11-19T20:32:09+00:00November 19, 2022|Categories: How to Cast Runes, Rune Symbols and Meanings, Spiritual|0 Comments

Perth Rune Meaning Unclear Communication

Perth Rune meaning and symbolism This is the Rune of questioning, one of unclear communication. Making this pick usually occurs at a time when you are feeling overwhelmed by things. There may be problems or obstructions in various aspects of your life. Free yourself by using your voice. Speak up. You are not being heard. You need to communicate more clearly at this time; maybe you are not listening. Speak the truth and don’t add to the confusion that already exists. People need to know what you really are thinking. Never assume people know your thoughts. [...]

By |2022-11-10T02:46:25+00:00November 12, 2022|Categories: Rune Symbols and Meanings, Spiritual|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Uruz Rune Meaning Clear Gateway

Uruz rune meaning and symbolism Uruz is the sign of the Ox - strong and direct. This Rune means strength. The Rune of letting go and new beginnings. Uruz does not come up that often. When it does, look for a new and wonderful beginning that you can enter through a clear and open gate. In order for this to happen, you must examine everything that has brought you to where you are at present. Look at it and let it go, then step through the gateway. Most people tend to pick this Rune when they [...]

By |2022-11-10T03:00:18+00:00November 9, 2022|Categories: Rune Symbols and Meanings, Spiritual|Tags: , , , |0 Comments


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